Let’s help you apply for multiple undergraduate scholarships. You only need to submit your details once, we automatically keep applying for you! You will enjoy it.
Please click on the ‘Start Application’ button to get started
The details you supply via this website will be used to register/process all or some of the available scholarships for which you are eligible.
We can register you for any scholarship(s) at any time, any day, with or without further notice, provided you are eligible for the scholarship(s); unless you communicate us otherwise when the scholarship is not yet ongoing.
You can win up to 3-7 different scholarships in this process.
You will not be required to pay any money for this process until you have been awarded the scholarship(s) processed for you. When you receive the scholarship payment(s), you will be expected to show appreciation for the process. As simple as that!!! There is absolutely nothing to risk and nothing to lose in this process; it is free. Quite amazing!

For Nigerian Undergraduate Scholarships
1. Admission Letter (JAMB or SCHOOL)
2. JAMB Result
3. O’LEVEL/SSCE Result
4. Passport photograph
5. LGA Identification (i.e State of Origin Certificate)
6. Birth Certificate (or Court Age Declaration)
7. School ID Card (If you have)
8. Letter of Identification from the Paramount Ruler of your Community of Origin (Optional)
(Like KING, EZE, IGWE, CHIEF, etc) Know more about this
9. Letter of Identification from the CDC Chairman of your Community of Origin (Optional) Know more about this
You can upload the scanned copies of the documents while filling the form on this website. (The documents should be scanned in PICTURE FORMATS i.e JPG or JPEG, not PDF. Each document should not be more than 1MB in size, all the documents combined should not be more than 10MB in size. However, each document should be big enough to be clearly readable).
Meanwhile, if your documents are not yet ready, please go ahead and fill the form in advance so that we can start the process. You can skip the “Upload Documents” section by clicking on the “Next” button while filling the form. In that case, after filling the form, you will be expected to send the scanned documents as soon as possible by email.
Every Nigerian undergraduate student currently schooling in a Nigerian university (federal, state or private) is eligible to apply. In other words, every valid student in any Nigerian university is eligible for some scholarships. All states of origin are acceptable. All departments/courses and all levels are eligible. However, we give higher considerations to those in 100, 200 and 300 level. 100 level students are strongly encouraged to apply.
(For Nigerian students studying in Nigerian tertiary institutions)
What other students we have helped secure scholarships are saying
I'm grateful to the Tertiary Scholarship Links Ltd (RC 1512615). Through their services, I enjoyed four(4) different scholarships in my undergraduate days. As a result, I had the opportunity to focus on my studies because money was not my problem. In the end, I graduated with a FIRST CLASS HONOURS degree in 2019. I advise all undergraduate students to take advantage of this rare opportunity.

I was on the verge of dropping out of school due to financial issues when a friend of mine introduced me to the TERTIARY SCHOLARSHIP LINKS LTD (RC 1512615). Today I am enjoying two scholarships and money is no more my problem.

Anyone doubting the Tertiary Scholarship Links Ltd (RC 1512615) is wasting his/her previous time. I am a living testimony. They helped me to get a scholarship. There was no exam and no interview.

Three gbosaa to Tertiary Scholarship Links Ltd (RC 1512615). They always deliver beyond their promises. They have helped my life. They have also helped many people that I know, both in my school and other schools. I don't want to go into details.

A friend of mine told me about the Tertiary Scholarship Links Ltd (RC 1512615). I didn't believe it until he was awarded his own scholarship. I then joined the company and today they have helped me to get some scholarships. It was very stress-free.

I have never seen any company as reliable as the Tertiary Scholarship Links Ltd (RC 1512615). When you join them, there is almost a 100% assurance that you must get at least one scholarship within a short period. It happened to me. They helped to secure my first scholarship within a short period. I am very grateful.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
No. You are not required to pay any money. After filling the form, your scholarships will be processed free of charge in advance, using the details you supplied. When you have been awarded the scholarship(s) and you receive the scholarship payment(s), you will be required to show appreciation. This appreciation is our service charge for the process (the services rendered) and it is compulsory. For more details about this, please check ‘How it works!’
Normally, it takes about 3-6 months for you to expect your first scholarship after submitting the necessary details (i.e the Scholarship Form and the Scanned Documents). However, this time frame is not specific. Sometimes, it may be earlier or later than this.
The scholarship money will be paid directly into your personal bank account by the scholarship body. If we initially processed the scholarship free of charge in advance, then you will be required to send us a specific amount for appreciation (our service charge).
Yes. All your information submitted on our portal are safe and will never be used for any other purpose except for applying for scholarships on your behalf.
Yes. You can enjoy up to 3-7 different scholarships at the same time. This is not illegal. Many of the scholarships are independent. Some scholarship providers willingly award their scholarships to qualified students, not minding whether they are already enjoying other scholarships or not. Meanwhile, some other scholarship providers don’t allow this. That is why out of about twenty one (21) regular Nigerian Undergraduate Scholarships that usually come out every year, one candidate can only enjoy a maximum of about 3-7 different scholarships at the same time.
No. You only need to submit your details once. In other words, once you have filled the Scholarship Form and sent (or uploaded) your Scanned Documents, you don’t need to repeat the process. Those details will be used for all the scholarships we are processing for you. Meanwhile, if you wish to update any of your details at any time, you can do so by sending a mail to info@tertiaryscholarshiplinks.com
You may receive updates every time a new scholarship is out, but you have no need to worry. We may go ahead and apply for the scholarship on your behalf based on the details you have supplied.
For some of the scholarships, there is no exam and no interview. In such cases, nothing concerns you after submitting your details via this website. We know what to do to ensure you win. Some scholarships have online exam and we already know what should be done. For few scholarships that require physical exam, we may prepare you for the exam. You may need to participate in the exam by yourself. After the exam, we know what to do.
Yes! The company/body awarding you the scholarship may officially and confidentially verify your academic details through the appropriate authorities in your institution. They may also verify your origin details. You are responsible for the correctness of every piece of information you supply to us.
The company/body that has awarded you the scholarship may notify you directly through email message and SMS. In addition, our company will fully notify you through Call/SMS/WhatsApp and email.
Provided you are a citizen of Nigeria and currently schooling in any Nigerian tertiary institution (Federal, State or Private), you are eligible for some scholarships no matter your current level or state of origin. In other words, if you meet the above criteria, you are eligible to fill the form.
Normally, different scholarships require different minimum CGPAs.
Considering about twenty-one (21) different Nigerian Undergraduate Scholarships that usually come out every year: There are about three different scholarships that require a minimum CGPA of 2.50 : About nine other scholarships require a minimum of 3.00. About six other scholarships require a minimum of 3.50. While about three scholarships require a minimum CGPA of 4.00 on a 5-point scale.
To be specific, the higher your CGPA, the more scholarships you will be eligible for. If your CGPA is 4.00 and above, then you are eligible for all the scholarships.
The verification of CGPA is officially and confidentially carried out by the scholarship provider directly through the appropriate authority in your institution.
Basically, for each scholarship, the first verification is done before the first payment. Anyone that is not up to the required minimum CGPA will be disqualified even if he/she has successfully passed other screening processes. After other screening exercises, the scholarship will be awarded to those that meet the CGPA requirements. In any case where the scholarship is awarded before the CGPA verification, those that do not meet the CGPA requirements would still be disqualified after the verification. In other words, such awardees will not receive the scholarship payments. Also, there is usually a yearly verification of current CGPA before each payment. Whenever your CGPA falls below the required minimum, you may be removed from the scheme or at least you will not receive payment for that year. When you have already been awarded a scholarship, the only requirement for you to keep receiving the yearly payment is to keep meeting up the minimum CGPA; no further screening exercise.
In summary, the scholarships are highly dependent on your CGPA. You need to put in your best efforts in your studies so that when you get a scholarship, you will not be disqualified just because of your CGPA; it has happened to many candidates and it wasn’t funny. When you maintain a high CGPA, you have nothing to worry about regarding your scholarships.
Note also that the TERTIARY SCHOLARSHIP LINKS LTD (RC 1512615) may also officially and confidentially verify your CGPA through your institution in the course of processing certain scholarships for you. This verification may be done outside your notice.
Finally, there is nothing to be afraid of regarding the official verification of your CGPA. There is no harm associated with it and there is no other punishment for low CGPA except perhaps the disqualification.
The essence of these detailed clarifications is to keep you fully informed so that you won’t lose any scholarship based on your CGPA.
The TERTIARY SCHOLARSHIP LINKS LTD (RC 1512615) has the official capacity to get your correct CGPA directly through the appropriate authority in your institution. We can officially retrieve your CGPA through any of these authorities in your institution:
- The Registrar
- The Dean of Student Affairs
- The HOD of your department
- The Exams and Records Officer
- The Class Adviser
Normally, this will be done without your notice.
In some cases also, you may be required to get a signed and stamped copy of your result (showing your CGPA) and send to us. You can get this from any of the authorities listed above. Meanwhile, you don’t need to do this unless we instruct you to do so.
Yes, you can apply. You are eligible for all the scholarships.
As a 100 level student, your CGPA is not yet necessary. You can win scholarships and receive the payments without a CGPA. Actually, it is very much easier to secure many scholarships for someone in 100 level since the CGPA is not usually being considered in most cases. As a 100 level student, you can receive the first scholarship payment without a CGPA.
But you need to take note of the CGPA requirements because when you reach 200 level, your 100 level CGPA will be needed and if it falls below the minimum, you may be disqualified. If you are disqualified for a particular scholarship you are already enjoying, it means that you will not receive further payments for that scholarship.
Therefore, you need to study well to get a good 100 level CGPA so that when you get to 200 level and above, your CGPA won’t affect your scholarships.
Yes. You can make further enquiries. To get direct top answers, please contact the CEO/MD, ENGR OBAJI GODWIN MBABA. He is very student friendly and he will attend to you properly. WhatsApp/SMS/Call 08136310628. WhatsApp direct link: wa.me/2348136310628 . Email Address: objscholar@gmail.com or info@tertiaryscholarshiplinks.com
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