Step 1: (First Step)

Fill the Scholarship Form online free of charge HERE on the Start Application page. Application Link:

This should be done immediately.

NOTE: This Scholarship Form is very simple and very easy to fill and you can fill it without your documents. It takes just 2-3 minutes to fill the form completely. It is very advisable to fill the form and submit immediately, even without your documents. You can skip the field(s) you don’t know/understand, if any.

Step 2: (Last Step)

Scan the required documents and send to our official email address Or

This can be done as soon as you get your documents; any time. However, if we receive your documents within two weeks from the day you filled the Scholarship Form, it will be better for you. The list of the required documents is available under the requirements section below.

Please include your name and phone number in your email message.

Alternatively, if you are close to any of our FREE SCANNING centres in various universities within Nigeria, you can bring the required documents on scheduled dates for FREE SCANNING.

Meanwhile, if you already have your Scanned Documents available, you can also upload them directly on the website while filling the Scholarship Form.

AFTER Step 2, please wait for our updates on the processes and progress of your scholarship awards. We will proceed accordingly.

Get Started now!

For eligibility and requirements, please check HERE

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